Learning the hows and whys of customer behavior in 2019 is critical for business success in our modern world. SOCAP New England’s 2019 Winter Event delivered on that search.
A classic New England snow storm started the day with a short delay, but even the weather couldn’t stop those of us who attended from gaining great insights atSOCAP New England’s2019 Winter Event.
The event’s speakers highlighted the importance of conveying the right message for all our customers’ senses and the impact of speed and simplicity on customer service. A delicious lunch from SOCAP New England sponsor Astute Solutions and a gift bag of chocolates from host Lindt & Sprüngli helped turn the snowy day into a very enjoyable and successful business event.
CX That Makes Sense
SOCAP (the Society Of Consumer Affairs Professionals) New England organizes events and helps foster discussion around the region focused on how businesses operate their customer care departments, and how we can all improve the customer journey. This year’s Winter Event was no different. Ann Czaja, Lindt USA master chocolatier and the event’s first speaker, knows how some of the best chocolate in the world is made. The master chocolatier at Lindt & Sprüngli helped the group maximize their tasting experience of premium chocolate by utilizing all five senses. Customers see, feel, taste, smell, and even hear perfect chocolate. The color, texture, sweetness, aroma, and that wonderful snap when you break off a piece all combine to form a complete interaction between the consumer and their dessert.
Other companies would be wise to remember the senses during customer service interactions. Much of the time, customer service solutions only utilize one of our senses at a time. By limiting service to hearing a robot or agent talk on the phone or simply reading an FAQ on a website, these service options convey information in slow, cumbersome ways. Every day we naturally use all our senses to observe the world around us and gather more information faster. Customer service shouldn’t be different. The best way to convey information and create fast, effective customer experiences is by connecting to multiple senses.
“The best way to convey information and create fast, effective customer experiences is by connecting to multiple senses.”
AtZappix,we know that multi-sensory experience has arrived. The On-Demand Customer Service revolution guides customers through self-service interactions quickly and smoothly. Using visual menus, audio queues, video messages, touch/tap options and the full power of the digital age, our customer service solutions create premier CX for businesses around the world. Instead of waiting for a legacy IVR system to read through every menu option just to be forwarded to a live agent, customers using Zappix solutions immediately recognize the option they need and tap through menus to quickly find the solution avoiding sluggish old methods.
The Need For Speed
The second speaker at the SOCAP New England Winter Event made sure we all understood exactly why that speed and efficiency is important. Ryan C. Gooley, Stericycle Expert Solutions recall consultant, has seen first hand just how fatigued consumers are. Even when it comes to critical recall information, many customers fail to fill out original warranties and therefore do not receive recall notices. When they do receive notices they often struggle to adopt the remedies when they’re released. Customers prefer interactions that are fast, informative, and easy to understand.
Any customer interaction can be improved by getting to a successful resolution faster and more efficiently. Our smartphone society is used to getting what they need exactly when they need it, wherever they are. Consumer affairs professionals can find the information they need atSOCAP. It is a great organization to be part of and use as a resource for staying up to date on the latest information.
Speed and efficiency is what modern companies must consider in their customer service solutions — whether its helping customers sign warranties hassle-free, check on order statuses, read FAQs, find the latest offers, or any other customer service interaction. That’s why our team at Zappix is constantly innovating. We’re focused on speeding up CX, simplifying it, making customer service accessible from any device, and any other dimensions that are sure to improve customer interactions around the world.