Business Process Outsourcing

Accelerate digital transformation and deliver the cutting-edge, technology-driven customer service that modern businesses require.

Establish the BPO as an innovation leader in customer service by offering rapid deployment of customizable solutions, real-time analytics for informed decision-making, and significantly improved customer satisfaction rates.

The Evolution of Customer Care Outsourcing: From Cost-Cutting to Innovation Powerhouse

Direct Benefits for BPOs:

Profitable Self-Service

Zappix business model reduces the cost of resolving consumers’ calls and lets BPOs charge for self-service interactions.

Competitive Modern Portfolio

Stay ahead of the competition by offering the most advanced, field-proven, self-service solutions

Automate Tedious Tasks

Reduce agent burnout from tiresome, tedious interactions and free agents up to focus on more complex interactions, increasing agent engagement.

Faster Scaling & Onboarding

Effective automation reduces the amount of new hires needed during seasonal ramp ups

Improve Customer Experiences

Diverse offerings make BPO portfolios more valuable to clients and prospects

Increase Revenues for Your Customers

Add up-sell opportunities within Zappix’s solutions during or after interactions

Win/Win for BPOs

Reduced Agent Burnout

Let self-service automation handle the tiresome, repetitive, low-skill tasks that burnout agents and let them focus on the high-empathy calls where their skills and expertise are most valuable.

Lower Costs

Automated Visual IVR interactions deflect calls away from live agents and by increasing call containment rates to let BPOs handle higher volumes at lower cost.

Simple, Secure Compliance

Automated Zappix solutions like our Payment Bot complete highly-regulated interactions safely and securely with no risk of human error to make compliance fast and easy.